Rocks in my Salsa – Writer-performer Cristina Nava says she remembers working to create atmosphere for a romantic evening by blending salsa in a molcajete bowl she had just bought in Tijuana. Unfortunately, what she didn’t do was eliminate the tiny stone chips loosely lodged in most such basalt bowls. Her boyfriend chipped a tooth, and the rocks in the salsa have emerged as a metaphor in her first solo performance for the tiny, pain-inducing obstacles that accompany being a Chicana in Hollywood.
It's here! It's here!
I just received the latest gorgeous copy of Chicana/Latina Studies featuring a cover image of Guatamaltecas demonstrating in the streets, and a preface by outgoing editor Alicia Partnoy. The Fall 2006 issue features articles on puertorriqueña filmmaker Frances Negron-Muntaner and … Read More