Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join?

New and renewal memberships are welcome and encouraged year-round. You may apply and pay your membership dues online at MALCS Membership Registration with a credit card or debit card via Paypal or by sending a check to:

MALCS – Atten: Membership
1404 66th Street
Berkeley, CA 94702

Our membership dues are on a sliding scale based on income and must be renewed annually. Please select the membership level that corresponds to your current annual income. Once your payment has been processed, your membership will be activated.

When is your next event?

Upcoming events are announced on the Events Page.

How do I find out about MALCS activities in my area?

Local chapters of MALCS are organized by region across the nation. See MALCS Chapters for current information.

How do I start a MALCS chapter?

MALCS members who wish to establish a chapter must work in partnership with the MALCS Executive Committee. This means that chapters should have regular communication with the Executive Committee (via the Recording Secretary) to ensure that the proposed chapter’s structure and organization reflect the mission and values of MALCS. Chapter meetings and activities are at the discretion of each chapter. Once regional and/or institutional chapters have been established, chapters should send contact information and meeting times to the Executive Committee.

Chapters of MALCS are organized by region. After reviewing our MALCS Chapter frequently asked questions document, please contact MALCS Secretary (adeli.ynostroza-ochoa@malcs.org) or MALCS Admin Coordinator (lupe@malcs.org) for details about organizing a chapter in your area.

I don’t want to become a member, but I’d like to subscribe to the journal? How can I do that?

You can subscribe the journal Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of MALCS.

Non-member Subscription Rates:

  • Individual Subscription $50/year
  • Institutional Subscription $100/year

What benefits do I receive from becoming a member?

Your membership includes:

Where can I get back copies or subscriptions of The MALCS Journal – Chicana/Latina Studies?

For back order and subscription info.

Where is the next Summer Institute? How much will it cost?

Find the latest information about this year’s Summer Institute Site.

The 2024 Summer Institute was held in Oaxaca, Mexico

The 2023 Summer Institute was held at the University of California, Davis

The 2022 Summer Institute was held at Colorado State University

The 2019 Summer Institute was held at The University of Massachusetts, Amherst/ Five Colleges

The 2018 Summer Institute was held at University of Texas, El Paso

The 2017 Summer Institute was held at Sonoma State University

The 2016 Summer Institute was held at The University of Wyoming

Want to host the next Summer Institute?

Proposals are being accepted for future MALCS Summer Institute site locations! Send an email to gro.sclamobfsctd-5370da@sanacihc