
Mission Statement

Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS) is a professional organization for self-identified Chicana, Latina, Native American / indígena mujeres and gender non-conforming academics, students, and activists. MALCS is an organization that:

  •  Values and recognizes the multiple and ongoing contributions of Chicana, Latina, and Native American / ind­ígena women and gender non-confirming academics and activists
  • Actively works to create, promote, and support an inclusive education pipeline to increase the presence of other self-identified Chicana, Latina, and Native American / indígena women and gender non-conforming people in the undergraduate, graduate, and professional populations
  • Supports and recognizes that for Chicana, Latina, and Native American / indígena women and gender non-conforming peoples, scholarly, and activist endeavors are not separate but rather part of a holistic approach that also includes creative, spiritual, and communal production and thought

Within those identity categories described above, we also publicly acknowledge the inclusion and presence of mujeres and gender non-confirming folk that also self-identify as Afro Latinx, Asian Latinx, Transgender, and Gender Non-Confirming Queer. MALCS works under a Chicana/Latina/Native Feminist Praxis and publishes the interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal Chicana/Latina Studies.

Past Statement

Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS, Women Active in Letters and Social Change) is an organization of Chicanas/ Latinas and Native American women working in academia and in community settings with a common goal: to work toward the support, education and dissemination of Chicana/ Latina and Native American womens issues. Chicanas/Latinas and Native American women from a variety of institutions gather at this yearly Summer Institute to network, share information, offer support and re-energize. The MALCS Summer Institute is one of the few places Chicanas/Latinas and Native American women can come together without the influence of male and/or Euro-American consciousness or opinion. While some charge that this is separatist, the MALCS reply is not one of apology. This is our space. The dynamics of this Chicana/Latina and Native American woman space is worth guarding, even in the face of criticism from those we respect and work within our home institutions.

Adopted at Laredo, Texas, 1991

Founding Statement

We are the daughters of Chicano working class families involved in higher education. We were raised in labor camps and barrios, where sharing our resources was the basis of survival. Our values, our strength derive from where we came. Our history is the story of the working class people, their struggles, commitments, strengths, and the Chicano/Mexicano experience in the United States. We are particularly concerned with the conditions women face at work, in and out of the home. We continue our mother’s struggle for economic and social justice. The scarcity of Chicanas in institutions of higher education requires that we join together to identify our common problems, to support each other and to define collective solutions. Our purpose is to fight the race, class, and gender oppression we have experienced in the universities. Further, we reject the separation of academic scholarship and community involvement. Our research strives to bridge the gap between intellectual work and active commitment to our communities. We draw upon a tradition of political struggle. We see ourselves developing strategies for social change, a change emanating from our communities. We declare the commitment to seek social, economic, and political change throughout our work and collective action. We welcome Chicanas who share these goals and invite them to join us.

Adopted June 1983