Job: Transnational American Studies, University of Maryland

Assistant Professor, Transnational American Studies

Institution: University of Maryland
Location: College Park, MD
  • Faculty – Liberal Arts – American Studies
Posted: 09/29/2011
Application Due: 11/15/2011
Type: Full Time
Notes: marked as a Priority and included on Affirmative Action email
The Department of American Studies at the University of Maryland invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position focused on transnational studies at the rank of Assistant Professor. The starting date for this position is August 15, 2012, contingent upon funding.

We are seeking an interdisciplinary scholar who focuses on transnational flows of people, products, capital, power, and ideas and can situate her/his work within the context of one or both of our Departmental themes, cultural constructions of identity and difference and cultures of everyday life. The successful applicant will show clear promise of a strong research record, the ability to teach undergraduate and graduate courses and advise students, and a strong commitment to interdisciplinary and collaborative research and teaching.

Minimum qualifications:

  1. Earned doctorate at time of appointment.
  2. Ability to teach and to advise students, and to produce innovative curriculum.
  3. Shows clear promise of a strong research record.
  1. Clearly defined interdisciplinary, cultural studies research program, which intersects with Department’s foci: constructions of identity and difference, and cultures of everyday life.
  2. Centers analysis on the interconnections between global and local formations, political economy, nation-state formation, and/or empire.
  3. Focuses on diasporas and migrations from the Caribbean, Latin America, and/or Asia.
  4. Provides expertise in one of our existing topical directions including food studies, queer studies, social movements, and digital humanities; or adds new areas, in particular, indigenous studies.

Additional information:
For best consideration, submit a complete application by Nov. 15, 2011. The application should include a letter of application describing one’s approach to transnational American Studies and interdisciplinary Americans’ cultural studies more broadly, research program, teaching interests and experiences, curriculum vitae, a sample of scholarly research, and list of three references who will submit letters of reference. Send inquiries to the chair of the search committee Professor Psyche Williams-Forson at ude.dmuobfsctd-6ca325@nosrofwp. To apply for this position, visit, click on the Faculty link, and look for position #117722.

Application Information

Contact: Psyche Williams-Forson
American Studies
University of Maryland, College Park
Online App. Form:
The University of Maryland, College Park, actively subscribes to a policy of equal employment opportunity, and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant because of race, age, gender, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, national origin, or political affiliation. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.

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