Amicus Brief Sign On – SB1070

Call for Organizations to Join Amicus Curiae Brief  To Highlight the Impact of Arizona Law SB 1070 on Immigrant Women and Immigrant Victims of Violence Against Women
Sign on deadline: June 4, 2010

Dear Colleagues,
We are writing to seek your organization’s support in joining us in signing on to an amicus curiae brief in connection with litigation recently filed in Arizona federal court by the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) , MALDEF (the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund), the National Immigration Law Center and the Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center.  The lawsuit seeks to invalidate Arizona’s new immigration law, SB 1070.  This Amicus Brief will highlight how SB 1070 disproportionately impacts immigrant women by undermining their legal rights as crime victims to access protections under U.S. criminal and immigration laws; as an especially vulnerable population to access services necessary to protect life and safety that Congress intended to assist them; and as mothers to nurture, care for and maintain custody of their children.

The attached call for organizations to join as amici highlights what will be covered in this amicus brief.

We are working with the law firm of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP to draft and file the brief.  To sign on to the brief, please send your organization’s name and a short, one-paragraph statement of interest to Joanna McCallum at moc.ttanamobfsctd-57225a@mullaccmj.  The paragraph should describe your organization, its goals/missions, and why the organization or its clients are impacted by the effect of SB 1070 on immigrant women.

If you have questions please contact Soraya Fata or Leslye Orloff at (202) 326-0040 or gro.mutnemomlagelobfsctd-350e20@pwi

The deadline for sign-ons is Friday June 4, 2010.

Thank you in advance for joining us in this important effort.
Leslye E. Orloff
Vice President and Director, Immigrant Women Program,
Legal Momentum
1101 14th Street N.W., Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 326-0041 / (202) 326-0048 (Assistant Pari Farmani)
(202) 210-8886 (cell) / (202) 589-0511 (fax)
  / gro.mutnemomlagelobfsctd-653871@inamrafp
Founded in 1970, Legal Momentum is the nation’s oldest legal defense and education fund dedicated to advancing the rights of all women and girls.

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