To the general public: a brief survey

Journal editor Karen Mary Davalos is conducting a survey for Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of MALCS. If you are not a member of MALCS, can you take a minute to answer these questions:
1) Why were you a member of MALCS? What drew you to the organization?

2) What factors would make you become a member again?

3) Are you interested in the current issue, which contains the following articles, commentary, creative writing, and book reviews?

  • “Múltiples intervenciones del otro lado: Frances Negrón-Muntaner, la trans-nación puertorriqueña y el género del documental” by Rosa Campos-Brito
  • “Learning from the Death of Gwen Araujo?: Transphobic Racial Subordination and Queer Latina Survival in the Twenty-First Century” by Linda Heidenreich
  • Creative Writing by Norma Cantú, including The Body/My Body, Border Bullets, and Meditación fronteriza
  • A short story by Patricia Trujillo: “Becoming La Llorona”
  • “Femicide, Impunity, and Citizenship: The Old and New in the Struggle for Justice in Guatemala” by Roselyn Costantino
  • “Activist Notebooks: Taking on Global Capital and Winning: An Organizer’s Reflections on New Labor Strategies” by Joann Lo of Enlace
  • “Speaking Frankly: Chicanas/Latinas in Academia” by Tiffany Ana Lopez
  • Book Review of Catrinoa Esquibel’s new book by Edén E. Torres, A Brilliant Cultural Center

FYI The journal is a benefit of membership.

Please reply to ude.umlobfsctd-636e52@solavadk

1 thought on “To the general public: a brief survey”

  1. I have been perusing the net and found your site. I am looking to find information about Latinas that I can use for my dissertation. Can you please email me suggestions. It is imperative that I finish this work by 2007. Thank you Elizabeth Damian


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