
JOB: English & Latino/a Studies, Indiana University

Assistant Professor of English and Latino/a Studies  [15486]
The Department of English and the Latino Studies Program at Indiana University Bloomington invite applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position to begin in the fall of 2012. We seek a candidate who specializes in Latino/a literature and Latino/a Studies. This faculty position will have its tenure line in English, while undergraduate and graduate teaching responsibilities will be split with the Latino Studies Program.

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JOB: English & Latino/a Studies, Indiana University

Assistant Professor of English and Latino/a Studies  [15486]
The Department of English and the Latino Studies Program at Indiana University Bloomington invite applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position to begin in the fall of 2012. We seek a candidate who specializes in Latino/a literature and Latino/a Studies. This faculty position will have its tenure line in English, while undergraduate and graduate teaching responsibilities will be split with the Latino Studies Program.

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JOB: Teacher Education, UTEP

POSITION DESCRIPTION:  The Department of Teacher Education at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) announces a faculty search for an open rank, tenure-track or tenured appointment in Curriculum and Instruction, to begin fall 2012. The successful candidate will teach graduate and undergraduate courses with emphasis in curriculum studies and/or social, historical, philosophical, and economic foundations of education, will direct graduate research, conduct an active research/ publication agenda, and seek external funding for research.  The ideal candidate will demonstrate multifaceted understandings of pedagogy, theory, and research. Please see UTEP employment website for additional position details and application process.

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JOB: American Indian Studies, Ohio State University

The Department of Comparative Studies at The Ohio State University at Newark announces the opening of a tenure-track position in American Indian Studies (at the rank of assistant or associate professor) at our Newark campus to begin autumn semester 2012. The Newark campus is an extended campus in The Ohio State University system and is located about 35 miles east of the Columbus campus.

Summary of Duties: Although the specific research area is open and teaching responsibilities will be focused on general education classes that draw on the instructor’s area of specialization, the ideal candidate should have expertise and experience in the teaching of humanities courses that introduce students to cross cultural perspectives within or outside the United States. The most serious consideration will be given to candidates with knowledge of the American Indian cultures of the Midwest and their modern situations (e.g., Native groups and individuals relocated from their ancestral homelands), as reflected, for example, in literature, oral history, and/or art.

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