la Webjefa

Congratulations! Amazing women…

Congratulations to MALCS chair Adriana Ayala on the recent completion of her dissertation in history at UT Austin! Adriana’s diss was titled “Negotiating Race Relations Through Activism: Women Activists and Women’s Organizations in San Antonio, Texas During the 1920s.” She

NM internship, Museum of Intl Folk Art

The Intl Folk Art Foundation & the Museum of Intl Folk art (MOIFA) announce a new internship opportunity for a motivated female student working in Hispanic American material culture…. intended for an advanced undergraduate or graduate in art history, anthropology,

New publications in Chicana Studies

Speaking of books, don’t miss the latest Chicana scholarship by MALCSistas Marta Sanchez, Catrióna Esquibel, and Tey Diana Rebolledo. Catrióna Rueda Esquibel‘s With Her Machete In Her Hand: Reading Chicana Lesbians assertively maps the depiction of lesbian characters and desires

Inaugural Post

Hello! And welcome to the trial run of the MALCS blog! Incited by the venerable Antonia Castaneda, we are going to use this space to note some of the news and accomplishments of our members. We hope you’ll check back