la Webjefa

Belated congrats to Nava & Palacios

From the L.A. Weekly, 10/4

Rocks in my Salsa – Writer-performer Cristina Nava says she remembers working to create atmosphere for a romantic evening by blending salsa in a molcajete bowl she had just bought in Tijuana. Unfortunately, what she didn’t do was eliminate the tiny stone chips loosely lodged in most such basalt bowls. Her boyfriend chipped a tooth, and the rocks in the salsa have emerged as a metaphor in her first solo performance for the tiny, pain-inducing obstacles that accompany being a Chicana in Hollywood.

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Kicking ass on breast cancer

This is another overdue post asking for good thoughts and prayers for MALCSista Luz Calvo and her partner Catriona Esquibel as they deal with Luz’s now-vanquished breast cancer. In recent months, Luz has been diagnosed with breast cancer, had a

Seeking co-author on Latina entrepeneurs

Claudia Huesca writes:

“I am currently working for New Win Publishing and its imprint, WBusiness. We are in the process of writing a book about Latinas entrepreneurs in the U.S. The author will be a Latina entrepreneur, Maria de Lourdes Sobrino, founder and CEO of Lulu’s Desserts. I would like to ask for your help in finding a Latina co-author for this book.”

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Minuteman flees debate with Columbia Chicana organizer…

Wow. Columbia senior Karina Garcia, Political Chair of the school’s Chicano Caucus, appeared on NPR’s Democracy Now to debate Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist. Gilchrist had been invited by the College Republicans to speak on campus, and Garcia’s group was one of many that staged an active protest at the event. On the radio show, after Garcia gave her explanation of the event, Gilchrist fled the studio.

Apparently, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly has picked up Gilchrist’s version almost immediately, gaining a questionable response from Columbia’s president (“a serious breach of academic faith”). See the transcript and/or audio at

See Garcia’s comments below….

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Deena Gonzalez makes the top 50!

Here’s a great photo and feature article on la muy Distinguida Doctora Deena J. Gonzalez from the LMU/LA home page. Deena, Chair of LMU’s Department of Chicana/o Studies, has been recognized as one of the 50 most important living women