Kicking ass on breast cancer

This is another overdue post asking for good thoughts and prayers for MALCSista Luz Calvo and her partner Catriona Esquibel as they deal with Luz’s now-vanquished breast cancer. In recent months, Luz has been diagnosed with breast cancer, had a double mastectomy, undergone chemotherapy, and is now taking tamoxifen. Luz and Catriona have made it through with the support of family, friends and their own chingona personal strength.
Luz writes:

I am doing so much better now that I am done with chemo. I’m on medical leave until Winter Qtr. so I am really trying to come up with a good plan for self care and rebuilding… Thanks for offering to post on the MALCS blog. I am totally OK with people knowing what I have been thru

If you’d like to send Luz a note, email ten.sclamobfsctd-43f1df@zul and your note will be forwarded to her.

You all probably know that Latinas and lesbians are at significantly higher risk of developing breast cancer, and cervical cancer, and significantly less likely to have health insurance (only 51% of Latinas had it in 1998). See “A National Latina Agenda for Reproductive Health” (pdf file) at the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, and the Mautner Project at the National Lesbian Health Organization.

Have you done your breast self-examination (video) today? Had your mammogram lately?

1 thought on “Kicking ass on breast cancer”

  1. Thanks to Antonia for sending on that photo y article from LMU on my honor selected as one of the 50 (V. Ruiz, current incoming Chair of ASA, outgoing President of the OAH — you go, Vicki!!!!!, is also in that grouping, and I think some other Latinas, as well??)

    Congratulations to Luz for being a luz….to Rusty for not being rusty….to Cecilia Burciaga, for ongoing burciaganess…and all the other postings; to those keeping us in touch, double and triple thanks!!!

    Abrazos, Deena


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