TWO JOBS: Latin American Literature, UChicago

The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago invites applications for two faculty positions in Latin American literature, one at the Assistant Professor rank, the other open rank (Assistant, Associate, or full Professor). One of these positions will have a focus in colonial Latin American literature and the other in twentieth-century Latin American literature. Beyond that, the areas of specialization are open.

Candidates should be able to demonstrate serious scholarly promise, commitment to excellence in teaching, native or near-native Spanish and English, and a willingness to participate fully in a vibrant program with strong ties to neighboring disciplines in humanities, arts, and social sciences. For junior candidates, PhD or defended dissertation by June 30, 2013, is highly preferred. Senior candidates should have a distinguished record of publication and high visibility in the field.

Applications must include a letter of interest/cover letter, CV, writing sample, and three letters of recommendation. All materials, except letters of recommendation, must be submitted online via the University of Chicago Academic Career Opportunities website at Recommendation letters must be submitted by your referees or a portfolio service (such as Interfolio) either through the Academic Careers website (strongly preferred) or by email to ude.ogacihcuobfsctd-1f48de@tratruhj.

For full consideration, all materials (including recommendation letters) must be received by October 15, 2012. Review of applications will continue until the positions are filled; no materials will be accepted after December 15, 2012. Positions contingent upon final budgetary approval.

Inquiries may be addressed to Jennifer Hurtarte at ude.ogacihcuobfsctd-87cf2b@tratruhj. For information on the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, please consult

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