MALCS 2011 Los Angeles Call for Papers


New Online Submission form available here now! (now closed)

Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social
Summer Institute
California State University, Los Angeles
August 3-6, 2011

Against Fear and Terror:  Una Nueva Conciencia Sin Fronteras

MALCS is a “national organization of Chicanas/Latinas and Native American women working in academia and in community settings with a common goal: to work toward the support, education and dissemination of Chicana/Latina and Native American women’s issues.”  The theme this year aims to foreground the academic and activist endeavors contesting the current framing of citizenship and belonging through binaries such as immigrant/non-immigrant that ignore lived relationship, histories and transformative practices in rights-based struggles.

In the past decade, our communities have confronted multiple forms of boundary making processes, greater surveillance, policing and restrictionist policies. In many ways, these developments ignore longstanding economic and cultural relationships and emphasize conflict, fear and exclusion.   The erasure of our histories, the denial of our rights and even the criminalization of our right to livelihood, rights to education and rights to family life, in all its diverse formations, push academics and activists to explore these processes as they manifest in institutions, communities and neighborhoods within and outside the state, within our very bodies.

We are interested in how our work negotiates –through our diverse locations of class, sexuality, nation and generation, our stories, music, poetry, visual art and foodways, etc. –the negative portrayals and marginalization of our communities to (re)affirm our humanity and our rights.   We seek a variety of work that explores the pursuit of a socially just and inclusive society beyond borders:  “Against Fear and Terror: Una Nueva Conciencia Sin Fronteras.”

Vendors may write to

Suggested Topics May Include

  • 2001 Patriot Act/Homeland Security
  • Unprecedented Detention and deportation
  • AZ SB1070  and racialization, illegality
  • Chicana/Latina/Native American women’s resistance and activism
  • Social Justice/Popular Movements/Poder Popular
  • civil disobedience, popular democracy
  • DREAMERs, 2006 Marches
  • budget cuts, neoliberalism
  • reproductive justice, the right to marry/love

The 2011 MALCS Site Committee at the California State University, Los Angeles invites academics, educators, students, professionals, activists, “artivists,” and community members of all disciplines and fields of interest in Chicana, Latina and Native American/Indigenous Women’s Studies to submit proposals for individual papers,  panel sessions, roundtables, workshops, performances, conversations or alternative formats. Proposals are to be submitted electronically by May 15, 2011. All abstracts and panel proposals should contain title of paper, affiliation, email and street addresses, and contact number. Participants may submit proposals electronically by May 15, 2011 to:

Download this notice in MSDoc format or in PDF format


5 thoughts on “MALCS 2011 Los Angeles Call for Papers”

  1. HI , i HOPE SOMBODY CAN READ IN SPANISH, BECAUSE I CAN WRITTE SHORT ENGLIS, ANYWAY, soy secretario de la oficina de derechos humanos del comite ejecutivo del prd( PARTIDO POLITICO MEXICANO, CON REPRESENTAXION EN ESTADOS UNIDOS) en USA en chicago, illinois , pero estoy actualmente impulsando un proyecto de ayuda a migrantes y depoortados mexicanos de la union americana en la ciudad de Mexico , ciyt. espero poder contactar a alguna de ustedes para poder comentar proyectos y estudioa sobre la mujer en general y particularmente sobre las mujeres mexicanas indocumentadas en los usa. gracias ojala y respondan este mail


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