
New pub: The Color of Violence

Estimad@s Colegas, Please take a look and consider using this in your courses, etc.  Renee Saucedo’s piece on immigration enforcement violence against migrant women, Sylvanna Falcon’s piece on border violence against women (she introduces the term “militarized border rape,”) and … Read More

MALCS journal seeks focused issues

[Apologies for this late post; members should have received this note last year on the email list –webjefa]  Dear MALCS Members and Allies: Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of MALCS is now accepting proposals for focused issues. In the future, proposals … Read More

Local news bits

Rethinking Racial Classifications – An Education Department plan to change the way colleges collect and report data on their students’ racial and ethnic backgrounds is attracting growing criticism. MALDEF and the ACLU are challenging legislation passed in the Dallas suburb … Read More