Mujeres Talk: New Editorial Guidelines

Photo by Ross Mayfield (from Flickr)

Regular readers of Mujeres Talk will know that we have evolved from a site that sporadically posted research and commentary to a regular weekly schedule of publication. While I developed and ran the site in its first year (2011), in its second year I recruited a team of MALCS members with editorial experience and records of contribution from diverse disciplines, generations and ranks to create an Editorial Collective in 2012. Over the past year, Seline, Sara, Inés, Felicity, Elena, Lourdes and Rita have been working to generate and solicit submissions, create editorial guidelines and craft our day-to-day internal working policies. Our newest collective member is Ella Diaz. Today we’d like to announce our new editorial policies (see below) and invite readers both to join in the work of Mujeres Talk and comment on what you’d like to see on this site.

As the new editorial policies indicate, we want to continue on the path of being a site for the publication of research in brief, whether it is work in progress or completed work. We believe it’s valuable to make this research more widely available in this format for scholars and community members. We also want to develop a few recurring columns, such as our new “Dichos” pieces that provide advice and tips on professionalization or community work from several authors and a “Campus News” column from time to time where local events can be shared with a national readership. While we do this work, we are shifting to a biweekly publication schedule — and we’ll stay on Mondays. We now have approximately 300 regular readers each week, and some posts, such Adaljiza Sosa Riddell’s recent essay on “¡Ya Es Tiempo!: A Latina for Governor of California” drew over 1000 readers. This new public face of MALCS requires that we remain attentive to peer review and editing as we also make the site more user friendly. For example, right now making or reading comments on the site isn’t very user friendly. We’d like to change this and our design soon.

What would you like to see on the site? Should we only publish the work of MALCS members or continue publishing work by both members and allies? Would you like to see us host curated digital exhibits? What would make it easier for you to submit or comment?

We would also like to continue to grow the Editorial Collective. If you have editing experience, would like to blog/contribute and are interested in joining in the collective, please send us your CV or resume and a brief statement on what you could contribute.

As always, we invite our readers to submit essays for publication.

Here are our new Editorial Guidelines:

Mujeres Talk is an online, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed and moderated publication for the circulation and discussion of original research and commentary in brief and diverse formats such as blog essays (500-1500 words), multimedia presentations and creative work. All posts represent the views of individual authors.  Any official position of the MALCS organization will be explicitly expressed by an official statement from the organization.

Mujeres Talk also publishes simultaneous cross-posts of brief original research and commentary with peer sites provided the essay, multimedia or creative work appears on both sites on the same day and both sites agree to note simultaneous publication.

Mujeres Talk publishes on biweekly basis on Mondays.

Mujeres Talk publishes work on a wide range of topics of interest to MALCS members and allies.

Mujeres Talk is hosted and archived on the MALCS organization server and a hard copy archive of all posts and comments is sent to the MALCS Archive at the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center.

Mujeres Talk is governed collaboratively by Co-Editors/Moderators and an Editorial Collective. Co-Editors/Moderators are Theresa Delgadillo, Seline Szkupinski Quiroga and Sara Ramirez. Members of the Editorial Collective include Lourdes Alberto, Inés Hernandez Avila, Ella Diaz, Elena Gutierrez, Felicity Amaya Schaeffer and Rita Urquijo-Ruiz.

Mujeres Talk both solicits submissions and accepts unsolicited submissions. All submissions should be sent to the Co-Editors at: ude.usoobfsctd-8af2b7@3.ollidagled, gro.sclamobfsctd-334bbf@eniles and gro.sclamobfsctd-805761@aras

Mujeres Talk believes in providing a space for ideas, research and other creative writing that may not have a home in print and other publications. Our hope is that we will publish timely reflections, critiques or excerpts of research in progress to foster dialogue among the larger MALCS community and our allies.

Mujeres Talk believes in the active role that community plays in the production and reception of ideas and we encourage our readers to submit responses to published pieces. This is a moderated site so all comments are reviewed by the Mujeres Talk Editorial Collective before publication on the blog. Please act with respect and consideration for each other in blog discussions. Responses will be archived alongside the essays to ensure future access by readers, writers, activists and scholars.

Mujeres Talk subscribes to the following Creative Commons license:
