Rest in peace, tatiana de la tierra

Tatiana de la Tierra (1961-2012)
Tatiana de la Tierra (1961-2012)

Received from Amelia Montes: (via Kathryn Blackmer Reyes)

Update 8/2: 

Read Diane Lefer’s touching tribute to tatiana here. 

Update 8/1: 

Queridas y Queridos NACCS familia:
As you may have heard, our colega, poeta, feminista, powerful Latina Lesbiana, tatiana de la tierra has died. Tatiana and I share writing duties for an international website: La Bloga.  I would like to honor tatiana this Sunday by posting YOUR thoughts, words, memories of Tatiana.

Please send me a sentence or two to the following e-mail address: ten.knilhtraeobfsctd-3cd16b@54ajoral. Don’t forget to include your full name and where you are. Gracias y abrazos, Amelia

And posted 7/31:

Querida NACCS familia,
Our colega, poeta, feminista, powerful Latina lesbiana– has died.

From her website:

“Born in Villavicencio, Colombia and raised in Miami, Florida,tatiana de la tierra is a bicultural writer whose work focuses on identity, sexuality, and South American memory and reality. She has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Texas at El Paso and a Master of Library Science from University at Buffalo. tatiana was a founder, editor, and contributor to the Latina lesbian publications esto no tiene nombre, conmoción and la telaraña. She is author of, For the Hard Ones: A Lesbian Phenomenology / Para las duras: Una fenomenología lesbiana and the chapbooks Porcupine Love and Other tales from My Papaya and Píntame Una Mujer Peligrosa. She lives in Long Beach, Califas.”

My heart is broken. Fly mi querida, fly– pure energia! Oh mi Querida Tati. I will sorely miss you here on earth con nosotras. Rest in Peace.
Poeta: tatiana de la tierra PRESENTE!!!!!

8 thoughts on “Rest in peace, tatiana de la tierra”

  1. Todo pesame to Tatiana’s familias; this is very sad news as we have lost another person (Yolanda Retter Vargas comes to mind) who kept track of things, important things, like what we were writing and producing, who was where. Espero que su familia natural and her many other families knew and know how big a life she lived!

  2. I woke up with a text announcing this sad news. I will hold dearly my final memory of tatiana, the two of us exchanging news about our health issues, ella giving me the name and address of her curandera. And then cheering ourselves up by talking poetry, books, love lives. I have a candle that burns only for poets. tatiana, in your honor, nujer fuerte, tonight it lights up this broken world you left behind. Safe passage.

  3. Mujeres y herman@s en solidaridad:

    I had the pressure of knowing tatiana de la tierra over the years. She was an amazing artist, scholar, and activist.I deeply will miss my home girl from Miami! Her passing leaves a wound in our already heavy hearts.

    We have lost so many of our comunidad, and as all life is precious and we need to keep their spirits alive, I hope we can honor tatiana’s amazing legacy at our next set of mujeres gatherings, including but not limited to the next MALCS, NACCS, AJAAS, and others.

    You all Mujeres and Mujer-Supporters out there, please make sure your next gathering remembers tatiana’s legacy – as a trail blazing, revolutionary Mujer that opened doors for many of us.

    There are so few of us that every time one of us passes it is a loss for all of us.

    Que esté con los angelitos (or perhaps more apt las angelitas sexis y lindas como ella)!

    Here is a virtual velita from el corazón for another amazing mujer.

    Love, Nohemy

  4. We mourn the loss of a powerful and gentle woman whose spirit lives on in her work. Let us honor her legacy with our own work. May you travel the path before you in light and love and with our everlasting gratitude for all you did in this realm, Norma

  5. Dear Tatiana,
    Your name was an easy one to remember Tatiana from Earth. I will never forget that once I told you that I was travelling to Lima, Perú, so you asked me to get you a book form a small printing house, something that I did and gave to you at one of ALA-Reforma gatherings. You and your name will be with me! Congratulations for your fullfilling life and your writing power to share your thoughts and your fillings.

    Jesús Lau, Veracruz, Veracruz, México


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