Mujeres Talk was a project of MALCS that was active from 2011 until 2013, when it became an independent blog housed at Ohio State University. Mujeres Talk was an effort to be a space where Chicanas and Latinas could address issues of concern to ourselves and our multiple communities. Mujeres Talk was a public space from which we could make our voices heard, exchange ideas, disseminate information, collaborate and participate in social change.
Initially under the sole editorship of Theresa Delgadillo, Mujeres Talk was governed by an Editorial Collective from 2011-2013.
Mujeres Talk Editorial Collective
Theresa Delgadillo 2011-2013
Seline Szkupinski Quiroga 2012-2013
Sara Ramirez 2012-2013
Elena Gutierrez 2012-2013
Lourdes Alberto 2012-2013
Inés Hernandez-Avila 2012-2013
Felicity Amaya Schaeffer 2012-2013
Ella Diaz 2013
Lucila Ek 2013
Tiffany Lopez 2013
Below are links to the archived posts published while Mujeres Talk was affiliated with MALCS (2011-2013). This is not a live blog, and comments are not possible.
Mujeres Talk: From Adjunct to Tenure Track: One MALCS Member’s Reflections and Advice on Navigating an Academic Career in the 21st Century
Credit: “Adjunct Instructor” by pixelsrzen on Creative Commons/Flickr. The academic career…
Mujeres Talk: Before You Go: Tips for the MALCS 2013 Summer Institute at OSU
Last year around this time, I blogged some tips for how to make the most…
Mujeres Talk: DICHOS: Tips for MALCSistas Seeking Tenure (Part One)
Step Junction by Prof Shorthair. Flickr/Creative Commons License Recently, the Mujeres…
Mujeres Talk: New Editorial Guidelines
Photo by Ross Mayfield (from Flickr) Regular readers of Mujeres Talk will know…
Mujeres Talk: My Experience with Institutional Violence
From adelinanthony.com. Used with permission. When I applied for admission to…
Mujeres Talk: Domestic Workers, Dignity and a Daughter’s Story
From left to right: Translator (name unknown), Maria Reyes of the…