Member Accomplishments – August 2016

GloriaPeral2016MALCSista Gloria Rosario Peral, University of California Merced – B.A Sociology 2014, has been admitted to California State University Northridge, Chicano Studies Master’s program! She will begin her studies this Fall 2016.

Gloria attended her first MALCS at U of Wyoming at Laramie this summer 2016. She was active in Chicano/Latino events, and was co-chair of MEChA at UC Merced, leading the organization during its most successful and significant time. Gloria has also presented at NACCS for several years as an undergrad.

MonicaDeLaTorre2016DrMonicadelaTorre2016MALCSista Monica de la Torre received her doctorate in Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies from the University of Washington this spring and has started as an Assistant Professor of Media and Expressive Culture in the School of Transborder Studies at Arizona State University!

VanessaFonseca2016ASUAfter 2 years at the University of Wyoming, MALCSista (and current Membership Coordinator) Vanessa Fonseca has returned to Arizona State University where she received her doctorate in Spanish, but now she is Assistant Professor of English with a focus on multi-ethnic U.S. literature! Her work on New Mexican migration “Following the Manito Trail” was also recently highlighted on Wyoming’s PBS station.

Please send notice of MALCSista accomplishments with accompanying photo to gro.sclamobfsctd-8c2518@pihsrebmem  for inclusion on our blog and/or Anuncios online forum.

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