Assistant Professor with Expertise in Latino Youth/Families – Arizona State University (Application Review Beginning: 11/1/13)

Assistant Professor with Expertise in Latino Youth/Families

The T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics, a named interdisciplinary unit at
Arizona State University (, invites applications for a full-time,
tenure-track Assistant Professor position with expertise in Latino youth and/or families to begin
Fall of 2014 (job number 10502). For this position, successful candidates must have a PhD or
equivalent in human/family development, psychology, education, sociology or related area by
time of appointment; a strong record of success in research, including having secured external
funding and having an accomplished record of publications relevant to advancing scholarship on
Latino youth/families; demonstrated excellence in teaching and mentoring students at the
undergraduate and graduate levels; and have a strong commitment to leading research initiatives
focused on Latino youth/families. Preference will be given to scholars who use culturally
informed theory to guide their work, and whose disseminated scholarship has contributed to
conceptual advances in the study of Latino youth and/or families. The successful applicant will
bring research expertise to an already strong and vibrant community of scholars dedicated to
advancing scholarship on Latino youth/family development and adjustment, and will contribute
directly to the goals of the Latino Resilience Enterprise (LRE; in the
Sanford School.

Complete applications will be reviewed beginning November 1, 2013, and every week
thereafter until the position is filled. Electronic submission of materials is required.
Electronically send a letter of application describing your research and teaching interests,
curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and two samples of written work to Dr.
Adriana Umaña-Taylor at moc.liamgobfsctd-6c4507@loohcsdrofnaseht. A background check is required
for employment. Arizona State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer committed to excellence through diversity. Women and minorities are
encouraged to apply (

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