Scholarships to attend MALCS 2013 Summer Institute for Undergraduate & Graduate Students

MALCS will awarding  4 scholarships to attend its 2013 Summer Institute in Columbus, Ohio:  ¡Aquí Estamos! / We Are Here!: Movements, Migrations, Pilgrimage and Belonging,  Thursday, July 18, 2013 – Saturday, July 20, 2013.

To apply for the scholarship, you must:

  • Be a current MALCS member
  • Submit a letter of interest and why you are applying to the 2013 Summer Institute scholarship,
  • One letter of recommendation—one from the advisor and/or from a MALCS member in good/current standing.
  • Attach a current copy of your transcripts for students (cumulative GPA of at least 2.57) and for graduates students/others – resume and/or cv.
  • Include a name of paper and/or workshop title that you will present, with evidence of and travel arrangements to Ohio.

All materials and questions should be sent to:

MALCS Executive Administrator, Lupe Gallegos-Diaz at:   gro.sclamobfsctd-26e1da@epul

Deadline:  May 30, 2013.

If selected, you will be notified no later than June 6, 2013.

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