CFP: MALCS Writing Workshop – How to Write The Academic Article


Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social calls for participation in the Writing Workshop at the 2012 MALCS Summer Institute at University of California, Santa Barbara, July 18-21, 2012.

DEADLINE: Postmark June 13, 2012

WHAT: Feminist collaboration for publication!
The Writing Workshop is one of the Journal’s formal methods of creating a feminist editorial process. Following the spirit and mission of MALCS, the journal’s editors offer the workshop in order to energize through collaboration, programmatically link scholarship and leadership, and institutionalize mentorship. Participants bring their work-in-progress and depart with clearrecommendations for meeting internal criteria of Chicana/Latina Studies, specific direction about revision, andfirst-hand knowledge about our feminist editorial production process.

To create an intellectual community, prior to the workshop, participants read and commented on the material of the other writers. Attending both two-hour sessions (the first on Weds. July 18, and the second on Friday July 20) is required.

One Writing Workshop will be offered this summer:

1) The Academic Article: A Writing Workshop, facilitated by
Prof. Karen Mary Davalos, former editor of Chicana/Latina Studies.

WHEN: July 18 at 4:00-6:00 p.m. and July 20 at 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Participants may arrive on Tuesday, July 18, but must contact the Site Committee to arrange housing.

WHY: It really works!
Past participants who have been published in the journal are: Dora Ramirez-Dhoor (5:1), Rosalia Solorzano Torres (5:1), Ann Marie Leimer (5:2), Patricia Trullijo (6:1), Carmelita “Rosie” Castañeda (7:2), Marivel Danielson (7:2), M. Bianet Castellanos (8: 1 & 2), Rosa Furumoto (8: 1 & 2), Irene Mata (10:2), Ella Diaz (11:1), Marci R. McMahon (11:1) and more!

WHO: The editors encourage applications from writers at all professional levels, including tenured or mid-career professors.
Dissertation writers are not suited for the workshops since the dissertation style, genre, and goals are distinct from those of the academic article. Ideally, graduate schools and faculty should offer the type of mentorship offered in MALCS Writing Workshops. Facilitators of the workshop strongly urge dissertation writers to demand such support.

HOW MANY: The workshop has space for 8 participants, who must register for the Summer Institute and be current MALCS members.

FINE PRINT: Acknowledge the labor of others.

Although participation does not guarantee publication, the information and experience facilitates the submission and double-blind-peerreview process. Our track record speaks for itself—see above partial list of workshop participants who have been published in the journal.

Participants will be asked to sign an agreement that guarantees the journal’s Right of First Review of the material developed through the workshop. The agreement allows authors to compensate participants and editors for their labor and guarantees that theauthor will formally submit the work to Chicana/Latina Studies for consideration of publication. It also requires the author to acknowledge the assistance of the participants if the work is published elsewhere. The Right of First Review is understood as an aspect of feminist practice, accountability, and leadership and scholarship.

The Academic Article: A Writing Workshop

DEADLINE: Postmark June 13, 2012.

WHERE: Postal mail documents to

Dr. Karen Mary Davalos, Prof. and Chair
Chicana/o Studies Dept.
Loyola Marymount University, Ste 4400
One LMU Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Please submit a cover letter describing the project and the author’s goals for publication (audience, timeline, etc.), the author’s contact information for various media and technology or the lead author’s contact information, and one copy of the scholarly article of 5,000 words or 25 pages (not including tables, notes, or references). All submissions should conform to the journal’s style and the text must be double-spaced.

Due to the goals of the workshop, we cannot accept submissions of dissertation chapters.

Also send via email.

EMAIL: Send the same materials in a Word documents to ude.umlobfsctd-71b81b@solavadk<mailto:kdavalude.umlobfsctd-71a20e@so> by June 13, 2012.

Karen Mary Davalos
Professor and Chair
DEPT of Chicana/o Studies
Loyola Marymount University
One LMU Dr., Ste 4400
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Office location: 4419 University Hall, Suite 4400

Office phone: 310-338-5750
On Campus phone dial ext. 8-5750

1 thought on “CFP: MALCS Writing Workshop – How to Write The Academic Article”

  1. The workshop goal is to enhance the field of Chicana/Latina studies through publication of high quality articles.

    In order to meet this goal, send in works that are formatted, designed, constructed and organized in the genre of the academic article.

    Other genres (used here to mean “other styles of writing” or “other types of text”) such as the book chapter, the dissertation, the dissertation chapter, the thesis, or the research report, are not appropriate for the writing workshop. That is, the workshop is not designed to help authors think about moving a piece of writing INTO an academic article.

    The participants get the most benefits from the workshop when they submit articles for revision appropriate to Chicana/Latina Studies.

    Email me at for more information


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