MALCS Summer Institute CFP July 2012 – New Deadline of May 1st!

“Todos Somos Arizona”: Confronting the Attacks on Difference
University of California, Santa Barbara
July 18-21, 2012

 Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS) invites submissions for its annual Summer Institute to be held this year at the University of California Santa Barbara. This year’s theme is “Todos Somos Arizona:” Confronting the Attacks on Difference. In April 2010, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed into SB 1070, and one month later HB 2281 was signed into law, which banned ethnic studies courses taught in Arizona public schools. However, the bill was a direct attack on the Tucson Unified School District Mexican American Studies Department. Following Arizona’s lead numerous states, such as Georgia and Alabama, have created similar legislation. The national anti-immigrant and anti-Chicana/o Latina/o legislation speaks to the continued fear of difference within the United States. Difference across race, genders, sexualities, abilities, religions, national origins, languages, and other social identities continues to draw attacks against our communities.

Our theme is inspired by organizations such as “Todos Somos Arizona,” a solidarity group that seeks to counter Arizona’s oppressive legislation. This year’s theme is a call to unpack difference as it is embodied and experienced, how it impacts knowledge production, effects policy, and prevents the access to necessary knowledge and historical narratives. The theme also provides an opportunity to explore collaborations and build community across difference. MALCS invites conference participants to submit proposals for papers, workshops, and performances that address this theme. We highly recommend submissions from activists working within the community.

All materials must be electronically date-stamped and uploaded by May 1, 2012 to the website submission page. For further information or questions please send emails to moc.liamgobfsctd-64a9e5@bscu2102sclam.

Proposals must include the following and can be submitted electronically:

Electronic submissions:

  1. Presentation track:
    1. Gender, sexualities and Desire Spirituality
    2.  Religion and Healing
    3. Professional/Career Development and Mentorship
    4. Education, Law and Language Policy
    5. (Im)migration, transnational and border studies
    6. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
  2. 150 word abstract suitable for publication in the conference program book.
    Submissions for Panels must include proposals and abstracts for each paper/presenter
    and the name, address, phone number(s), e-mail address, and institutional
    affiliation of each participant.
  3. Audio/visual needs
  4. Contact person’s name, address, phone number(s), e-mail address, and institutional affiliation

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