JOB: Political Science (Critical Race Theory, Gender, Sexuality) at CSULB

CSULB College of Liberal Arts, Political Science
Tenure Track Faculty Opening
Assistant Professor of Political Science (Political Theory)
Effective August 20, 2012 (Fall semester)

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. in Political Science or Ph.D. in appropriate related discipline at time of appointment with specialization in Political Theory. Teaching experience or evidence of strong potential for effective teaching. Record of, or demonstrable potential for, successful research and publication. Potential for effective participation in faculty governance. Commitment to and/or expertise in educating a diverse population.

DESIRED/PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Expertise in teaching in a variety of areas such areas as Critical Race Theory, Postcolonial Theory, Hybridization, Intersectionality, Deconstruction's focus on Alterity, and Gender and Sexual Orientation. Background in Western Political Theory, with teaching and research interests in Race and Ethnicity.

DUTIES: Develop and teach courses in Political Theory at lower-division, upper-division, and M.A. levels, including (but not limited to): Introduction to Critical Thinking, Issues in Political Theory, Classical Political Theory, Modern Political Theory, Recent Political Theory, Contemporary Political Ideologies, Politics through Culture, Women in Political Theory, Senior Seminar in Political Theory, and Graduate Seminar in Political Theory. Engage in research leading to conference participation and publication. Perform University and Community Service. Advise students, including the supervision of M.A. students taking comprehensive exams and those writing a thesis.

SALARY RANGE:  Commensurate with background and experience   

REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION:  Letter of application, resume including email address, three recent letters of recommendation, a copy of the transcript from institution awarding highest degree, writing sample, and teaching evaluations, if available.  Finalists will be requested to submit a signed SC-1 form and official transcript.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Position opened until filled (or recruitment canceled). Review of applications to begin on October 28, 2011.  Applications, required documentation, and/or requests for information should be addressed to:

Teresa Wright, Chair

Department of Political Science

California State University

1250 Bellflower Boulevard

Long Beach, CA 90840-4605


(562) 985-4705

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