JOB: Latino Studies & English, Cornell University

The Cornell University Latino Studies Program and the Department of English invite applications and nominations for a tenure-track assistant professor (beginning or advanced) to begin July 1, 2012, with a focus on U.S. Latino/a literatures and cultures. Candidates should be able to teach across the broad spectrum of U.S. Latino/a and American literatures as well as an introductory course to Latino/a Studies. This position will be a joint position between the Latino Studies Program and the English Department with shared teaching and service responsibilities. A Ph.D. is required no later than July 1, 2012.

Electronic applications are required. Applicants may apply at . All required elements of the application must be uploaded to the online site. Please submit the following application materials including a letter of application, curriculum vitae, 2 – 3 writing samples, dissertation abstract, and three letters of recommendation, as well as teaching evaluations if available.

Questions about the application process may be directed to Marti Dense ude.llenrocobfsctd-48a5b5@1dfm or 607-255-3197.  

For more information on Cornell�s Latino Studies Program and English Department, please visit their websites.  

As an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer and educator, Cornell University values diversity and encourages applications from underrepresented groups.

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