2007-08 Davis Chicana/Latina Diss Fellowship

The Chicana/ Latina Research Center (C/LRC) at the University of California, Davis, is dedicated to the development and promotion of Chicana/ Latina scholars and scholarship on Chicana/ Latina issues covering a broad range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary interests. This dissertation fellowship program supports emerging scholars whose research focuses on questions of concern to Chicanas/ Latinas. We also invite comparative studies of Chicanas/Latinas and indigenous women.

1) $21,000 stipend over a 10 month period (September 1, 2006- June 30, 2007).
2) $1,500 for research support and related travel

1) Must have been advanced to Ph.D. candidacy prior to beginning of fellowship.
2) Must have made substantial progress on the dissertation (candidates who have begun writing the dissertation are preferred; in rare instances candidates who are still in the data collection stage will be considered).

1) Be in-residence from September 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007
The residency requirement means that the fellow is required to live in Davis, and do her fellowship work on campus, at the C/LRC, during the fellowship year (Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters), beginning on September 1 of the fellowship year, through June 30 of that year. The Fellow will have her own office at the C/LRC.
2) Participate regularly in activities sponsored by the C/LRC throughout the fellowship year (workshops, colloquia, etc.). The fellow will have a visible presence on the campus, as a scholar, a role model, and a mentor to undergraduates and other graduate students. However, the fellowship is first and foremost meant to support the fellow’s completion of her dissertation.
3) Present one public lecture as part of the yearly C/LRC lecture series.

To apply, please send the following:
1) A letter of application describing your areas of interest, previous work on Chicana/Latina issues and/or Chicana/o Studies.
2) A copy of your dissertation prospectus, outline, and bibliography.
3) A representative chapter, and a report of progress on the dissertation.
4) A curriculum vitae.
5) Two letters of recommendation sent directly to the address below.

***Deadline: March 2, 2007 (must be received by this date)
(Electronic Submissions will NOT be accepted)

Send to:
Prof. Ines Hernandez-Avila, Director
Chicana/Latina Research Center
2223 SSH (Social Science and Humanities Building)
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-8882

If you have any questions, please e-mail: ude.sivadcuobfsctd-1d0b1a@crlc
We will announce the award by the third week in March.

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