Call for Papers: Critical Essays on Lorna Dee Cervantes

Published by Wings Press, Cervantes’s latest collection, Drive: The First Quartet was widely anticipated and met with abundant praise from poets and critics alike. Her first publication in fifteen years, it marks the return of a major poetic voice.

Wings Press will publish a collection of critical essays that speaks to the significance of the poet and her work, both within and beyond the Chicana/Latino literary movements.

Possible topics/areas of focus include, but are not limited to:
Interviews with Cervantes; Poetics; Art and Politics; Poetry and music/visual arts; Formalist approaches; Canonicity; Xicanisma; Feminisms; Indigeneity; Multiculturalism; Poverty; Poetic Voice; Transnationalism; Solidarity; Revolutions; The lyric; Loss and mourning; Memory and survival; The poetics of place; Cervantes as cultural activist; Poetry and blogging; The place of Cervantes within Chicana/Latina/American/World literature

Previously published essays and interviews are welcome. Essays may discuss any aspect of Lorna Dee Cervantes’s work; those that focus on Drive are especially sought.

Deadline for 250-300 word abstracts is March 30, 2007. Please send abstracts to: ude.sdnalderobfsctd-2b445b@nosbigyzeugirdor_azile.

Deadline for completed manuscripts is May 1, 2007. Completed manuscripts should be between 5,000 and 7,500 words, including works cited page. MLA style documentation should be used. Manuscripts should be generated in MS Word (or saved in RTF). Contributors should submit a one page CV and a brief biographical statement with the manuscript.

Bryce Milligan, Publisher/Editor Wings Press.
627 E. Guenther
San Antonio, Texas 78210
(210) 271-7805

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