Chicana scientists on tour…

Professors Elma Gonzalez, Diana Marinez, Elvia Niebla and doctoral candidate Elisa Ruiz read excerpts from their essays in Norma Cantu’s recent book project, Flor y Ciencia: Chicanas in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Thursday, Nov. 16 on the UT San Antonio campus. Sponsored by the departments of Women’s Studies, English, Classics, & Philosophy,

Gonzales is a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UCLA. Marinez is a professor of biochemistry and dean of the College of Science and Technology at Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi. Niebla serves as the national coordinator for the USDA Forest Service Global Change Research Program. Ruiz is a doctoral candidate in mathematics at Texas A&M University, College Station.

If you’d like a copy of Flor y Ciencia (Christmas gift?), please drop an email to ten.sclamobfsctd-1af3aa@utnaCN and your message will be forwarded to her.

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