Welcome to the new MALCS website!

Yay!  Please come check out the new MALCS website that combines our regular website with the more-frequently-updated blog. Both are located at our new domain, https://malcs.org. The new site is a central exchange point that includes membership info, notes about our leadership, history, summer institute, and journal, as well as the blog.  (the old address of malcs.net will automatically forward you to the new site).

The blog will continue to feature current news and events from and about our membership, beginning with an inaugural post by former Chicana/Latina Studies editor KarenMary Davalos about what makes MALCS such a unique professional organization. We will also begin a new series called Mujeres Talk, as “a public space from which we can make our voices heard, exchange ideas, disseminate information, collaborate and participate in social change.” Thanks to MALCSista Theresa Delgadillo for initiating Mujeres Talk; our first topic is Mujeres & Migration, to be posted later this week. We especially encourage all members to contribute to Mujeres Talk (email gro.sclamobfsctd-5f845d@aserehT), but we welcome any and all blog submissions at gro.sclamobfsctd-7e8882@sanacihc.  We also want to encourage you to use the Comments section to let us know what you think!

So please, have a look around and make yourself at home. Read up, and leave a comment or two. Remember: malcs.org is all you need to know to access all these great resources. And if you haven’t renewed your membership yet, please go here

And Happy Martin Luther King Day everyone!
Susana Gallardo
MALCS Webjefa

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