Student Scholarships for SI


Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS) invites student scholarship applications for the 2016 MALCS Summer Institute. MALCS, through generous donations from our members, is offering to cover the conference registration cost of 7 student presenters. More scholarships may be available if there are additional donations to the Summer Institute Scholarship Fund (

Scholarship eligibility is limited to all students who are current MALCS members and who are presenting at the 2016 Summer Institute. To apply, please submit a 250 word letter of application describing your 2016 Summer Institute presentation and explaining how your presentation fits your research interests and future goals.

The deadline for applications is Monday, July 18, 2016. Please submit your letter of application (250 word limit) to Justine Hernandez at gro.sclamobfsctd-7ff3fe@enitsuJ by 7/18/16.

Note: Students who have already paid their registration for the Institute will have their registration payment refunded.


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