CFP: Exploring Collaborative Contestations (Nov 1, 2014 deadline)


Hypatia Conference

Exploring Collaborative Contestations

May 28-30, 2015

Villanova University

Villanova, Pennsylvania

***A Special Invitation to MALCS Members***


MALCS has received a special invitation from Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy to its 2015 Conference. Two slots have been reserved for MALCS members to form panels. Instead of directly submitting to the Call for Papers found on the Hypatia Conference website, MALCS will be coordinating the submissions and organizing the panels, which will then be forwarded to Hypatia.  Organizers and referees for the panels on behalf of MALCS are Seline Szkupinski Quiroga (Arizona State University) and Sandra Pacheco (California Institute of Integral Studies).

We envision 3 presentations/papers per panel (20 minutes each) with time for a moderated discussion. We are aiming for the papers to be submitted for publication, so we have expectations that the work submitted be of high quality, and well developed. To this end, we will be requesting panel participants to submit a draft of their papers for comment prior to the conference.

The theme this year, Exploring Collaborative Contestations, aims to create space for diverse perspectives, difficult conversations, and marginalized voices within feminist philosophy. Per their announcement:

 We welcome papers and panel proposals on topics that address: a commitment to

diversity, broadly construed; openness to disagreement among feminists on difficult

issues; and opportunities for collaboration among feminist philosophers within and

across various disciplines, subfields, and theoretical orientations. 

 Within the suggested conference themes, we have selected and elaborated on the two that most closely reflect MALCS’ mission and scholarship. The panel themes are as follows:

Panel 1: Exploring intersectionality and embodiment: race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, social class, disability

 Panel 2: Exploring feminist theorizing from the ground up through a Chicana/Latina/Indigena lens: activism, youth movements, transnational and other alliances

Because we will be implementing an internal process, we have created a separate set of deadlines. Please review below for information on proposal format and dates.
 Proposal Information

Submit a 250-500 word paper proposal by November 1st. Please indicate your name, affiliation (if applicable), contact information, paper title, and which panel relates best to your work.

Email your paper proposal to both Seline Szkupinski Quiroga (gro.sclamobfsctd-55fb1e@eniles) and Sandra M. Pacheco (ude.siicobfsctd-162f4f@ocehcaps),with LAST NAME – MALCS HYPATIA SUBMISSION in the subject line.

Any MALCSista wishing to gain feedback and support in strengthening their proposal should submit by October 10th.


Internal MALCS Deadlines

Proposal deadline for early consideration: October 10th, 2014

Proposal deadline for regular consideration: November 1st, 2014

Acceptance notification to participants: January 10th, 2014

Presenters confirm participation: January 20th, 2014*

Draft papers submitted: March 30th, 2015

Papers returned with comments: April 28th, 2015

Revised papers sent to panel co-presenters: May 15th, 2015

Hypatia Conference, Villanova University, Pennsylvania: May 28th-30th, 2015



* Modest travel grants from Hypatia are available for presenters in need.

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