Call For Nominations: 2013 MALCS Tortuga Award (July 10, 2013 Deadline)


History of Tortuga Award

The Tortuga Award originated in 2004 when Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS) recognized the need to formally acknowledge the tremendous professional accomplishments and contributions of its members. Annually, this award is given to a MALCS member who has used her expertise, experience and commitment to support and advance the MALCS mission. The Tortuga Award is a token of appreciation for making MALCS a stronger organization.

Previous recipients include Ada Sosa-Riddell, Elisa Facio, Norma Alarcon, Inés Talamantes, Karen Mary Davalos, Lupe Gallegos-Diaz, Nancy “Rusty” Barcelo, and Gloria Cuádraz, scholars and administrators whose work has made a difference in their respective academic and administrative fields, whose work has cleared the educational path for many women of color, whose work established and stabilized MALCS.

Annually, there are two awards that are presented at our annual MALCS Institute. The first award acknowledging the work of a local person is nominated and determined by the Institute Site Committee.  The Site Committee determines the criterion for nomination. The second award acknowledges the work of a MALCS member and is determined by the Executive Committee. This year marks the second year for this nomination process.

Nominations for MALC Tortuga Award

Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS) invites nominations for the 2013 Tortuga Award. The award recognizes the achievements, and contributions of members of MALCS. To ensure the special quality of the award, the nominee must be a member of MALCS. Nominations can only come from MALCS members.

The nomination must be limited to the nominee’s CV, a two-page letter of nomination describing how the candidate meets the criterion, and two additional letters of support written by other MALCS members.

To be considered for the Tortuga Award, nominating letters should speak to these criteria:

1. A commitment to interdisciplinary Chicana, Latina, Afro-Latina, Native American and Indigenous feminist scholarship, cultural productions, and activism (belief in the scholar-activist model).

2. A member’s history of involvement and significant contribution to the MALCS organization.

The deadline for nominations is July 10th. Please submit an electronic nomination packet (CV, nomination letter, and two letters of support) to Marivel Danielson, MALCS Membership Coordinator, at gro.sclamobfsctd-754b5e@leviram.

Questions regarding the process may be addressed to Lupe Gallegos-Diaz at gro.sclamobfsctd-938a39@epul.

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