News From the Exec – Bylaws & Elections, Candidates’ Statements due July 13

From MALCS Chair Monica F. Torres:

In 2010, the MALCS Executive Committee suspended the MALCS bylaws in order to engage in a major revision of the document. It became clear that the bylaws, last revised in 1991, were in need of updating. We spent approximately one year discussing, producing, and revising a draft. We presented that draft at the 2011 Institute where we facilitated discussions during two workshops and the business meeting. We have spent the time since engaging in more discussions and revisions based on the feedback we received at the Institute.

The Executive Committee is currently completing another draft of the bylaws, which we will put forward at the Institute for a vote. We hope to post this draft on the website shortly before the Institute. We will also have print copies available in Santa Barbara.

The Executive Committee is currently completing another draft of the bylaws, which we will put forward at the Institute for a vote.

Last year we proposed that we move to two-year election cycles. While the chair-elect/chair/ex-oficio would remain a three-year commitment, all other officers would be elected for two-year terms. Our primary reason for this was to allow officers more time to learn and be productive in their positions. Given that there were no objections in any discussion about this, the Executive Committee asked the women elected to office at the 2011 Institute to serve two-year terms.

This effectively means that we will be electing only one officer at the 2012 Summer Institute: Chair-elect.

Election to this position means a three-year commitment on the MALCS Executive Committee–as chair-elect, chair, and ex-oficio. The chair-elect has a number of responsibilities that are typical for positions of this sort: she supports the chair in the implementation of MALCS policies and procedures; she assumes the duties of the chair in the absence of the chair; she assumes the position of chair when the chair’s term expires.

In addition, the Executive Committee is proposing new bylaws which add other critical responsibilities to this position: be responsible for promoting MALCS’ digital publications and recruiting writers for those publications, and in consultation with the webjefa and the Communications Team, be responsible for making recommendations to the Executive Committee on editorial policy, publishing and functionality of the MALCS’ digital presence and for assuring implementation of approved recommendations. The MALCS bylaws include more concrete delineations of the duties and responsibilities of this and all other MALCS offices.

We want to note that this last change described above reflects several changes in the larger society (a shifting communications environment–from print documents to electronic sites and other social media) as well as proposed changes in the organization (the inclusion of the webjefa position in our bylaws as well as the addition of standing committees).

If you are interested in running for chair-elect, please submit a statement of interest to Monica F. Torres, MALCS Chair, at gro.sclamobfsctd-268e58@acinom. The statement, no longer than 250 words, should articulate your interest in and qualifications for serving MALCS in this position. Please submit your statement of interest to Monica by Friday, July 13. Statements will be available on our website and at the Institute.


For previous discussions and statement of bylaws changes, see “From the Exec” on our Leadership page here.

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