JOB: Interdisciplinary, University of Delaware

Interdisciplinary Faculty Positions for Study of Diversity

The University of Delaware seeks to hire a minimum of two professors

as part of a university-wide commitment to bring to campus accomplished scholars whose work examines the history, culture, politics or creative works of racially or culturally marginalized communities employing a range of analytical and creative conceptual frameworks and methodologies. Applicants who have a Ph.D. (or J.D. for legal scholars) in the arts and humanities, social or behavioral sciences, or business and economics, law and public policy will be appointed in the department of their discipline. Applications from scholars with interdisciplinary interests and who examine social dynamics at the intersection of diverse groups are especially welcome. We expect to hire at the associate or full professor rank though assistant professors are also encouraged to apply.

The University of Delaware, a RU/VH: Research University, is a Sea, Space, and Land Grant institution, strategically located on a beautiful campus in Newark, Delaware in the middle of the Northeast corridor.  Nearby Wilmington is approximately halfway—or an hour and a half by train–between New York and Washington, D.C. Philadelphia and Baltimore are each about an hour away.  The University of Delaware is a well-endowed public institution with selective admissions, resulting in a student body of about 17,000 undergraduate and 3,500 graduate students. The University has an excellent compensation and benefits package that, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education, makes it a “Great College to Work For.”

Review of applications will begin November 15, 2011 and continue until positions are filled. To apply, please submit–in a single Word or PDF document–a current CV and cover letter indicating your interest in the position, relevant scholarly activities and accomplishments and any leadership or collaborative engagement in institutional or community projects to   Letters of reference and other materials may be requested at a later date.  Inquiries should be addressed to the search committee chair: James M. Jones, Chair of Diversity Search Committee, Department of Psychology, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, ude.ledu.hcyspobfsctd-8008e8@senojmj



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