JOB: Teacher Education, UTEP

POSITION DESCRIPTION:  The Department of Teacher Education at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) announces a faculty search for an open rank, tenure-track or tenured appointment in Curriculum and Instruction, to begin fall 2012. The successful candidate will teach graduate and undergraduate courses with emphasis in curriculum studies and/or social, historical, philosophical, and economic foundations of education, will direct graduate research, conduct an active research/ publication agenda, and seek external funding for research.  The ideal candidate will demonstrate multifaceted understandings of pedagogy, theory, and research. Please see UTEP employment website for additional position details and application process.

THE DEPARTMENT: Teacher Education has a new Ph.D. program in Teaching, Learning and Culture and offers opportunities for research and collaboration with local dual language programs, Mexican and other Latin American institutions. The College of Education is seeking applicants who are committed to excellence in teaching, research, service, and partnerships with K-12 schools, community colleges, faculty in the Arts and Sciences. Much of the College’s innovative work is supported by large grants from the U.S. Department of Education, and National Science Foundation.

ABOUT UTEP: UTEP is a comprehensive, emerging national research, university offering bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs to more than 22,000 students. UTEP has become a national leader in research, innovative educational initiatives, and community-based activities of special relevance to the U.S. – Mexico border region and
Hispanic populations. For more information about UTEP, please visit our
website: Also, for information about El Paso, Texas, visit

REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates should hold a doctoral degree (PhD or equivalent) in Curriculum and Instruction, a demonstrated commitment or potential for graduate teaching excellence, proficiency in instructional technology, and a demonstrated record of or potential for securing external funding and have a record, or the potential for achieving a record, of research and publication in these areas, and ability to work effectively with faculty, staff and students from diverse ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Candidates currently ranked as Associate or Full Professors preferred, but Assistant Professors with outstanding qualifications will be considered. Applicants for this position are expected to have experience teaching and/or working with K-12 linguistically-diverse populations.

SALARY: Salary is negotiable and commensurate with experience.
César Augusto Rossatto, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Critical Pedagogy & Multiculturalism and Social Justice
The University of Texas at El Paso
College of Education, Room #812
El Paso, TX 79968-0574
(915) 747-5253

e-mail: ude.petuobfsctd-1d4785@ottassorc

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