MUJERES TALK Pensamientos from the “Field”: On Mexican Women Caring for North Americans

We have renovated the page for Mujeres Talk, the new MALCS web project featuring blog essays by members and allies on current issues and research.  This latest post is by Professor María Ibarra.  We invite all members and allies to write for Mujeres Talk.  Send entries of 500 – 1000 words to gro.sclamobfsctd-8e4270@asereht with a brief author bio.  Thank you!

by Maria Ibarra, Ph.D.

I am an anthropologist who studies the labor of Mexicana elder care providers. Every year I spend time in the field, in my long-standing research site of Santa Barbara, and I record women’s stories and experiences about work.  I am always affected by the many types of violence that are inherent to the lives of Mexicanas on either side of the border. How many times have I put down my pen and held a woman’s hand, stroked her forearm, while she cries and tells me how much it hurts?

Essay continues at Mujeres Talk


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