Plan ahead: MALCS Writing Workshops at Summer Institute

Having trouble carving out space for writing? Need some inspiration and incentive?

Get ready for the annual MALCS Writing Workshops, coming this August at the 2011 MALCS Summer Institute at CSULA.

Finish that scholarly article by May 15, 2011, renew your MALCS membership, and you will be ready to participate in the most successful writing workshop on the planet. (Okay, I exaggerate, but the acceptance rate at Chicana/Latina Studies for contributors who have completed the writing workshop is over 80%.  Hey, are you a past participant? Blog about your experience at the MALCS Blog!).

For general questions about the Annual Writing Workshop contact Dr. Karen Mary Davalos ude.umlobfsctd-967041@solavadk

Adelante, KMD
Karen Mary Davalos

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