JOB: Asst Prof, Bicultural/Bilingual Stu, UTSA

The Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies at The University of Texas at San Antonio, seeks a specialist in language minority education with broad knowledge of and record of research on bilingual education, bilingualism, biliteracy, cultural studies, and/or biculturalism, for a position as a tenure-track Assistant Professor to begin Fall 2011.

The Department offers a Bachelor of Arts in Mexican American Studies, a Master of Arts with concentrations in Bicultural Studies or Bicultural-Bilingual Education, a Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language, and a Ph.D. program in Culture, Literacy, and Language. It also provides undergraduate and graduate programs for teacher certification as well as support courses for other programs in the University.

Responsibilities include: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses including, but not limited to bilingual education, assessment of bilingual students, cultural studies, anthropology of education, multicultural education, offered at either the UTSA Downtown Campus, the 1604 Campus, or at a public school, day and/or evening; advise undergraduate and graduate students; conduct an active research agenda; and provide support to the teacher-training program.

Required Qualifications: Doctorate or ABD with specialization in bilingual/bicultural education, biliteracy, assessment of bilingual students, anthropology of education, applied linguistics, sociology of education, Chicana/o studies, ethnic studies, cultural studies, or closely related area. Record of research and/or publication in one or more of the following areas: bilingual education, language minority education, cultural pluralism, linguistic diversity, cultural studies. Experience teaching and/or working with EC-12 populations. Proficiency in Spanish and English.

Preferred Qualifications: Experience conducting research in public schools (EC-12). Research interests in bilingual education, assessment, language minority education, cultural pluralism, linguistic diversity, or cultural studies. Experience in conducting research among U.S. Latina/o populations. Multiple years teaching experience (EC-12). Experience securing and working with funded projects. Ability to teach courses in Spanish. University teaching experience, particularly in teacher preparation programs or cultural studies departments.

Appointment: For hire at the assistant professor level. ABD candidates must have completed the doctorate by August 15, 2011. ABD applicants close to completion will be considered at rank of Instructor. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience, pending budgetary approval.

Application: Applicants must submit a) a letter of application addressing qualifications, including Spanish proficiency; b) curriculum vitae; c) two publications or samples of scholarly writing; and d) the names and contact information (including email) of three references to: Dr. Ellen R. Clark, Chair, Search Committee, Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies, College of Education and Human Development, The University of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, Texas 78249-0653. Applications will be accepted by U.S. mail or electronically at ude.astuobfsctd-234e3f@kralc.nelle with subject: “Faculty position in Bicultural-Bilingual Teacher Education.” Applicants who are selected for an interview must be able to show proof that they will be eligible and qualified to work in the United States by time of hire. The review of applications will begin October 18, 2010, and will continue until the position is filled.

The University of Texas at San Antonio is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Women, minorities, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

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