MALCS poll – Arizona

Queridas MALCistas,

MALCSistas!  Please click here to take the Summer Institute Arizona Poll!

The Summer Institute of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social is the highlight of the year for MALCS members. The yearly reunion of Chicana, Latina and Native American activists, scholars and artists from all across the country challenges our membership intellectually and creatively by sharing work and ideas; our presence at the Institutes have been the hallmark for creating and promoting our voices in the struggle for social justice.

Since the call for an economic boycott of Arizona has crystallized, the MALCS Executive Committee and members of the Arizona Site Committee for the 2010 Institute have discussed the various responses to the boycott. Many ideas have been raised (finding an alternative site outside Arizona, finding an alternative indigenous site in Arizona, utilizing technology, continuing with a re-structured Institute, etc.). Each of these ideas are our outcry of the passage of SB 1070 and other hateful legislation in the state of Arizona and nationally.

What is urgent is that MALCS support the people of Arizona who are holding the line at the state capitol, demonstrating, working on lawsuits, etc. We want to recognize that the struggle against the repressive legislation has been an on-going part of the MALCS members of Arizona.

As you know, the Executive Committee will work with utmost speed to respond to the membership, and therefore requires a quick response to the following poll.

Instructions for on-line poll:
1) To participate, visit:
2) Rank the four options provided “First,” “Second,” “Third,” or “Fourth”choice. Please use each response only once.
3) Please provide any comments you have in the space provided
4) Respond by: MAY 5, 2010, 5pm Pacific Standard time
If there are people who do not have computers, please invite them to write to malcs (address below) or share your computer with them so that they are part of our conversation

MALCS Membership
1404 66th Street
Berkeley, CA 94702

Thank you for your participation!

In solidarity,
Keta Miranda
MALCS National Chair

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