JOB: Latina/o history lecturer, Jan 09 UMich

The Program in American Culture at the University of Michigan invites applications for a non-tenure-track lecturer or visiting faculty to teach one course in Latina/o history. The appointment is for one semester, beginning January 1, 2009. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in teaching courses on Latina/o history with a pan-Latina/o focus. The Ph.D. must be in hand by the time of appointment. Please send a letter of interest, c.v., two letters of reference (specifically addressing teaching qualifications), and evidence of teaching experience and ability such as syllabi and/or student evaluations by July 15, 2008, to Professor Maria Cotera, Director of Latina/o Studies, Program in American Culture, 3700 Haven Hall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1045; telephone (734) 763-1460; fax (734) 936-1967. The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Contact Info:
Professor Maria Cotera
University of Michigan

Program in American Culture
3700 Haven Hall
505 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1045
email: ude.hcimuobfsctd-7a2b8d@aretocm

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