Women needed for health study at UT Austin

The School of Nursing of The University of Texas at Austin is conducting a health research study and recruiting midlife Hispanic women among its participants.  The study about midlife women’s attitudes toward physical activity is now conducted through Internet. Eligible participants for this study is midlife women aged 40 to 60 years old who do not have any mobility problems; who can read and write English; who are online; and whose self-reported ethnic identity is Hispanic, non-Hispanic (N-H) White, N-H African American, or N-H Asian. The tangible benefit of participation is a $10 Target gift certificate for each person who completes an Internet survey and a $50 Target gift certificate for each person who participates in the online forum later.

Would you please post the following link (https://mapa.nur.utexas.edu/MAPA/ ) on your web site or announce the study through your newsletter or forward to your members? If the announcement fee is required, please provide us the related information.
Attached is the study announcement that we want to announce through your website. If you need more information on the study or have any questions, please feel free and contact us.

Thank you for your kind and thoughtful considerations on the study.

Laura Diaz
Research Assistant
School of Nursing
University of Texas at Austin
E-mail: ude.saxetu.liamobfsctd-5aa07f@zaidarual

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