Tongue to Tongue: Critical Dialogues among Queer Women of Color (Los Angeles 9/7/07)

Extended submission deadline – June 30, 2007

Los Angeles, September 7-9, 2007


Tongue to Tongue: Provoking Critical Dialogues Among Queer Women of Color is a community-organized three-day dialogue among diverse queer women of color, transgender, genderqueer and gender non-conforming communities of color featuring workshops, lectures, visual art, film, performances meant to facilitate real dialogue among participants. Tongue to Tongue believes that provoking honest and difficult dialogue is a critical first step toward building and strengthening community alliances across diverse communities and differences. The goal of this event is to envision concrete plans of action to collaboratively confront the injustices we face through proposals for continued organizing and solidarity building. This social change event aims to deepen analysis of-, broaden dialogue on-, and instigate response to critical issues created out of the intersecting sites of race, class, gender, sexuality, citizenship, and nationalism. All self-identified queer women of color, transgender, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming people of color are invited to submit proposals for:

  • Workshops, panel discussions, guest speakers and forums
  • Art and photography exhibitions
  • Independent films, music and performances by artists, filmmakers, bands, DJs, etc.
  • As well as market-style arts, publications & crafts vendors

Possible topics/themes for consideration, but please do not feel limited to: Gender, Race, Sexuality, Poverty/ Labor activism, Nationality/Immigration, Culture, Health, Violence, Rights (legal, civil, human, immigrant), Family, Community organizing, Solidarity building

We welcome submissions from independent scholars, educators, artists, performers, musicians, filmmakers, academic community and community activists. Proposals should display significant content or thematic material regarding genderqueer, gender non-conforming, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer women of color as well as issues based on our mission statement.

Please submit your Submissions Proposal form and any supporting materials to gro.alseugnotobfsctd-74a912@ofni or postal mail to: T2T c/o VIVA/Tongues, 1125 N. McCadden Place,
Los Angeles, CA 90038-1212.

Questions? Visit or email us at gro.alseugnotobfsctd-974096@ofni

New submissions deadline: JUNE 30, 2007


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