Update on Betita Martinez’ health from Tony Platt

Veterana Scholar-Activist Betita Martinez (a bio here) is increasingly frail, and has been moved from her Mission District Apartment to a residential care facility in SF by friends and family.  Several MALCSistas have suggested that local MALCS honor Betita’s accomplishments and hold a fundraiser for her medical needs…..

This post will be updated regularly and includes:

If you can offer direct financial support, please send to:  Tony Platt, Prof Emeritus CSUS, 1607 Josephine Street, Berkeley, CA 94703 USA

Update by Maria Cotera
:  There have been a few important developments on the fundraising front for Betita Martinez.

    1. First, Tony Platt has a paypal account to which you can contribute directly.  If you have a paypal account, simply go here to the Paypal website, log in,  and click on the “send money” tab.  Then just type Tony’s email address in the “send to” box:moc.liamgobfsctd-4726f5@72ttalpma
    2. Second, it is now possible to make a tax-deductible donation to the Betita  Fan Club (BFC).   For people making small or monthly donations, Tony suggests that you continue  to do so as before (checks payable to him) since they have to  pay a small  administrative fee on all donations.For larger amounts and fundraisers, please note instructions below.  Betita has been a member of the editorial board of “Social Justice”  for many years (as has Tony). Thanks to Greg Shank, the journal’s  managing editor for facilitating this.
        • (1) Make checks payable to “Social Justice.”
        • (2) Note “For Elizabeth Martinez Project” on information line on check
        • (3) Send checks to: Tony Platt, 1607 Josephine Street, Berkeley,  CA 94703
        • (4) If you need Social Justice’s tax ID number, email Tony.


Tony Platt (Emeritus, CSU Sacramento) original letter:

Dear BFC (Betita Fan Club):
Yesterday, Betita left her home of many years and moved to her new home, a residential care facility. Given her increasing frailty and health needs, this is the right, though not easy decision. Olga and I accompanied Betita and [her daughter] Tessa to Buena Vista Manor and saw Betita settled into her new room. The place is spacious and light, with great views of the city, and a caring staff.

We will soon be asking for help in clearing out Betita’s apartment and helping Tessa to decide on what to do with Betita’s many possessions. We are still trying to sell Betita’s archives and will store them until we have a buyer.

The BFC fund is close to depleted and I will be asking you once again to make donations so that we can cover the costs of closing down the apartment and making up the difference between Betita’s social security allowance and her current expenses.

Meanwhile, you (and dogs on leash) are encouraged to visit (not call) Betita. No need to call Tessa about this. Here’s how it works:
(1) Betita is at the BUENA VISTA MANOR at 399 BUENA VISTA AVENUE EAST, S.F. (Close to the Haight.)
(2) Visiting hours are 10 to 8. Meals are 12 and 5 (best not to visit at meal time unless you are taking her food).
(3) Call the BVM’s main number at 415-863-1721 and tell the person on desk that you are planning to visit Betita. Make sure that she is available.
(5) You will be required to sign in and out when you visit. And to sign out Betita if you leave BVM with her.
(6) What to do with Betita? On nice days, take her out in her wheelchair to the lovely Buena Vista Park across the road. Sit with her on outdoor balcony on her floor or main floor. Bring small treats to eat (ice cream, cookies, etc.) – she has a small fridge in her room. Bring music to listen to. Bring a dog on leash.

If you have any concerns or questions, please send to me and/or Olga.

Tony Platt, Professor emeritus, California State University, Sacramento
amplatt27 at gmail.com

4 thoughts on “Update on Betita Martinez’ health from Tony Platt”

  1. I am currently teaching a huge undergraduate lower division course at UCLA in which I have 420 students. I’ve always used Betita’s book, DE COLORES MEANS ALL OF US, as one of the required texts of that course. However, the bookstore tells me that the book is now out of stock at the publisher’s. Does anybody know if Betita might have boxes of her books available for sale? If so, I would of course prefer to buy the books directly from her, and in this way, help out with Betita’s expenses. Does Tony Platt not have an email?

  2. Just wanted to note that there is a fundraiser for Betita in San Diego, Oct 23 from 12 noon to 4. Includes art auction (some great stuff), music and The Manriquez’s Famous Posole. If you email me for more info, I can alert the organizers and/or send address.


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