Gabrielle (Gaby) Elizabeth Bernal
At Large Rep
Gabrielle (Gaby) Elizabeth Bernal is a former special education teacher. Gaby was born and raised in Watsonville, CA, and taught in the Bay Area for six years before pursuing a PhD to strengthen her skills in supporting and mentoring teachers. She is a Doctoral Candidate in Educational Studies at the University of Michigan, a CSU Chancellors’ Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP) Fellow, and a Lecturer in the Special Education and Teacher Education Departments at San José State University. Her research interests include questions of race, dis/ability, teaching, learning, mathematics, and social action. More specifically, her research explores the embodiment and experiences of Indigenous and Latine Youth and Teachers in the context of home, community, and school mathematics. Her interdisciplinary work is rooted in feminista theory, disability justice, and educational studies, and informed by performance studies. She focuses on learning from and with Indigenous and Latine Youth to better inform mathematics education research, teaching, and learning from a critical love perspective. Her commitment to community and education includes her creative interests in bringing the arts into educational spaces and attending to language.