Gabriella V. Sanchez
Social Media Coordinator
Gabriella V. Sanchez is a tenth generation Tejana, raised in Yanawana occupied San Antonio, TX. She completed her master’s in Bicultural-Bilingual Studies at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) in 2018 and is currently a doctoral candidate in Multicultural Women’s and Gender Studies at Texas Woman’s University. As co-founder of mija archives (an experimental mija and mami collaboration), Gabriella takes seriously the memory keeping and storage methods created and practiced by her mother, Gloria, and is invested in further exploring family archives as sites of cultural, ancestral, and experiential knowledge. Gabriella is also a Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies instructor, Project Manager of La Crónica Tejana: A Chicanx/Tejanx Storytellers Lab at Trinity University, Events Coordinator of Democratizing Racial Justice (DRJ) Project at UTSA, Social Media Coordinator of Mujeres Actives en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS), and Co-Chair of the National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies (NACCS) Chicana Caucus.