
MALCS Chapters

  • Berkeley
  • Los Angeles
  • Riverside
  • San Antonio
    • In progress- contact Sonya Alemán at gro.sclamobfsctd-2649dc@namela.aynos
  • Sonoma
  • Davis
    • UC Davis
  • Salt Lake City
    • University of Utah
  • Santa Cruz
    • UC Santa Cruz (in process of developing a chapter)
  • San Francisco
    • California Institute of Integral Studies
  • Minnesota
  • San Diego
  • Colorado
    • Regional-please contact gro.sclamobfsctd-74a858@labyor.nerak

Starting a MALCS Chapter

MALCS members who wish to establish a chapter must work in partnership with the MALCS Executive Committee. This means that chapters should have regular communication with the Executive Committee via MALCS Recording Secretary and Administrative Coordinator to ensure that the proposed chapter’s structure and organization reflect the mission and values of MALCS. Chapter meetings and activities are at the discretion of each chapter. Once regional and/or institutional chapters have been established, chapters should send contact information and meeting times to the Executive Committee.

Chapters of MALCS are organized by region. After reviewing our MALCS Chapter frequently asked questions document, please contact gro.sclamobfsctd-1d5c55@sanacihc for details about organizing a chapter in your area.

MALCS Chapter – Sonoma State University

MALCS de Sonoma


“By the early 1980s their contributions were barely acknowledged. Sensing this collective loss of voice, feeling highly isolated, eager to extend their knowledge to other women, and desiring to change society’s perceptions, a group of Chicana/Latina academic women gathered at the University of California, Davis, in spring 1982. Mujeres Activas En Letras Y Cambio Social (MALCS) was established at this first meeting. The MALCS declaration, written one year later at the Berkeley campus, formally established the organization and affirmed the membership’s dedication to the unification of their academic life with their community activism” (Taken from MALCS de SSU is a space for students who have a strong commitment to working towards the support, education, and dissemination of underrepresented students issues. MALCS chapter will be collaborating with different…

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Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS, Women Active in Letters and Social Change) is an organization of students working in academia and in community settings with a common goal: to work toward the support, education and dissemination of a collection of student’s issues. A variety group of people from a different institutions gather at this yearly Summer Institute to network, share information, offer support and re-energize. MALCS hopes to create a space for people to tell their stories. The dynamics of this space is worth guarding, even in the face of criticism from those we respect and work with in our home institutions.

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