New MexAm dads needed for study

My name is Katharine Caldwell, a PhD student in Clinical Psychology.  I am currently recruiting participants for a qualitative interview study on the transition to fatherhood, it is a cross-cultural study.

I am specifically looking for Mexican American fathers and would greatly appreciate learning about any resources for meeting new dads.   Please pass on the attached recruitment flyer if you know anyone who might meet the criteria.  I can also send printed copies if you provide an address.

Participants: Mexican-American first time fathers that meet the following requirements –

  • first time father
  • 25 – 40 years of age
  • child is under 7 months old
  • married and heterosexual
  • Have attended some college courses or have an undergraduate degree
  • describe ethnicity as Mexican American

Participation will involve one, confidential interview, about 1 hour in length.  Thank you for participation = $25 Gift Card!
(510) 214-0666 x 717
Thank you for any help with this!
Katharine Caldwell
Clinical Psychology PhD Student, CSPP

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